Dear Parents/Guardians, It’s almost that time again – (EOC) End of Course testing is right around the corner.
The STAAR EOC assessments measure students’ academic performance in core high school courses (Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology, U.S. History). We will be administering our tests between April 15th through May 10th.
The following guidelines can help set our students up for success:
The night before the test:
1. Ensure that your child goes to bed early the night before the test to ensure they are well-rested on the day of the test.
2. Remind your student to charge their Chromebook.
The morning of the test:
1. Get up a few minutes early to avoid rushing and make sure your child arrives at school on time.
2. Remind your student to bring their Chromebook and charger to school.
3. Have your child eat a nutritious breakfast.
4. Be positive and communicate. It is important to build confidence that your student will do their very best.
After the test:
1. Explain that performance on a test does not define him or her as a person. It is just one opportunity to demonstrate learning.
The most important thing that you can do for your child during testing is make sure that they come to school on the days they have tests. Missing a test leads to valuable class time being sacrificed for makeup sessions, causing a loss of crucial learning opportunities that cannot be recovered.
Thank you for your support and involvement in your child’s education. Please call if you have any questions: 936-628-3371